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Transistor Films Blog
Sunday, 5 April 2009
"Coexist" - New short made for CMF
Mood:  on fire

March 19th, teams met up at the 20th Century Theater in Oakley to discover what requirementsmust be used in their upcoming film, and to select a genre by cracking open a plastic Easter egg during the kick-off of the 4th annual College Movie Festival held in Cincinnati.

 Brown Mackie's team: Tran's Force, renamed as BMC Juggernauts by vote, walked up to the floor and drew Horror/Thriller. (To see the results of all colleges in the competition, you can check here for 2009.) For those who have seen Brown Mackie's ten-time award winning hit movie, Duality, you can guess that the genre is familiar to team members.

 Now what separates Duality from Coexist? The lead up in Duality is an unsettling one, in which turns to be eerie and rewarding, and the fact that it is 100% unexpected. Coexist has many moments like this, but premiering as a 6 minute film (Duality is 17 minutes), you can expect there to be moments that will grab at you just as much.

I am really excited about this new movie. The opening is horrific, the idea is twisted, but stays simple enough (not like Saw explaining 10 minutes of what happened in case you didn't get it), and the surprises are sweet! Starring local professional actor, Bobby J, first-time actors Vinnie, Tani, and Danielle, and the more than freaky Black H.U.S.T.L.E. Get ready for a very different horror!

May 2nd at the Carnegie to see our film and others. Don't miss it! Duality is still available at Brown Mackie College-Cincinnati's two locations inside the bookstore. Call 513-771-2424 for information on the bookstore, and get a copy today!

Posted by transistorfilms at 2:23 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 5 April 2009 2:42 PM EDT
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