Lines from this film may be rude, crude,
racial, or offensive but is NOT meant to be taken seriously. Most of my favorite quotes have already been shot and if you
have a favorite from the story, E-mail me
January 2006 -
Cydney (in confessional/Real World parody): "DaDonia and D'asha
are two black girls that....kind of smell like Rallys.
Michael Jackson: I have a dream, that one day, black people will not have to pick cotton
No Mo'
Alex (flamer, walking up to hookers Britta and Lauren on the corner): Do you guys know
where the boys are at?
Britta: Have you ever had a thick chick with these kind of lips!? *smooch*
Alex: UGH (pushes Britta's tits, forcing her away and walks up to Lauren) You'll do. (Grabs her arm and
Britta: Hoe!!! A penny....slut. (agitated) I'm horny for a RETARD.
Evil Ring Girl: (A girl crawls out of the TV. She stands up with rage sounding as a Peurto
Rican from the projects): You shoulda never messed wit yo twin brotha cuz you's about to be DEAD unless you picks me up a
Cydney: When everyone heard The Ring was coming out, didn't you think they were talking
about jewlrey. I mean what a bad title. They should have called it "Freaky Little Circle" it'd make more sense.
(Texas Chainsaw remake spoof, girl blows her head off in the car. Everyone screams hysterically and then...)
Derrick: Is anyone hungry for a burger?
Jodee: I'm game.
(After the black dude, Jaykay, slices his neck and collapses)
Killer: Goddamnit, I wanted to play KKK!!!!!
March 7-
(outside apt) - "Were you chompin on three sticks of my butter!? I had four and now I only have
one" *Hungry Potentials* --classic joke
February 28 - (in barn)-
Brie: "I'm about to have an NF"
Justina: "Ohmagod! You're gonna have a nicotine fit!?"
Brie: "No, a nigga fit!" *BARN FUN scene*